Appendino: “Solidarietà ai lavoratori Stellantis: a loro 600 euro, a manager e azionisti milioni”
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Appendino: “Solidarietà ai lavoratori Stellantis: a loro 600 euro, a manager e azionisti milioni”

Appendino: “Solidarietà ai lavoratori Stellantis: a loro 600 euro, a manager e azionisti milioni”

“Solidarity with Stellantis workers: 600 euros for them, millions for managers and shareholders, I intervene on behalf of the 5 Star Movement group to express our solidarity, unfortunately, because the situation is worsening day by day for those workers and women at Stellantis who have gone on strike and are still striking. From Pomigliano to Turin, they protested against the news of February, which is no longer the case: the fact that the company has stopped paying social security contributions, the fact that it continues to lay off employees, the fact that Stellantis is no longer bothered by the fate of its employees, the fact that it is offering contracts to facilitate voluntary departures.

But the news today is that they have been given a prize to employees, around 600 euros per year, gross. I don't know if we realize what is happening. We know what is happening. We have an enterprise that has distributed 5.5 billion euros in profits to its shareholders, an enterprise that has rewarded its CEO with hundreds of millions of euros for the disasters he has caused. What do the employees get? 600 euros, gross.

This is a world upside down. It is as if those responsible for the company's failure, incapable and incompetent, are not those who take millions of euros in salaries and bonuses, but the workers and women. And the president, Meloni, who has been running away from the automotive crisis for months, must come here, not just her, she must convene a table at the Chigi Palace, she must put her face together with the company, the trade unions, because it is not that without putting our hands on the disaster, it doesn't go away, but it does, and the workers and women are paying the price.”

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