Bridgerton 3, Nicola Coughlan e Luke Newton: “Verità su scene di sesso e triangolo con Lord Fife”
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Bridgerton 3, Nicola Coughlan e Luke Newton: “Verità su scene di sesso e triangolo con Lord Fife”

Bridgerton 3, Nicola Coughlan e Luke Newton: “Verità su scene di sesso e triangolo con Lord Fife”

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Nicola Coughlan e Luke Newton sono Penelope Featherington e Colin Bridgerton nella serie Bridgerton. La coppia, soprannominata “Polin” dai fan, si racconta a Nella terza stagione il loro amore sarà al centro di ogni episodio, regalando agli appassionati dell'universo tratto dai romanzi di Julia Quinn una storia coinvolgente e ricca di emozioni. “In rete circolano diverse teorie sulla trama di questa stagione, c'è chi parla di un triangolo amoroso” confessano gli attori.
within 8 months of shooting you're going to have good days bad days days when you're tired days when you're like I don't know if I could do this scene I don't like and to have like someone that you can say that to you feel like they have your back all the time it's great it's so attractive to see someone just completely own who they [Music] are I think by the time that we were actually filming the intimate scenes we were so comfortable with one another and we' built up like that was a few months into the season I didn't really I didn't feel embarrassed around you we never felt we never really got embarrassed we felt really well supported like we were very giggly in the beginning we had to do like romantic verbal romantic maybe yeah it was probably that like but then I think once we got that out of the way we were like go probably end of EP two after that we were like cool yeah yeah made it much easier and made it made like being really comfortable with someone and being able to like share this story and also it's like it's a shared experience that you know two people every season go through you kind of get to live in your story and you're very immersed in it all so having had a friendship of like four years before we started filming it just felt great that we knew we had each other's backs in every situation it we and we knew that someone else was going through those long days and makes a massive difference when you have a teammate that you're like you know also cuz within eight months of shooting you're going to have good days bad days days when you're tired days when you're like I don't know if I could do this scene I don't like and to have like someone that you can say that to you feel like they have your back all the time it's great oh I mean how long have you got I try not well I actually don't really remember the B comments very well I just block them and move on yeah sometimes it's just that they get they predict story lines not and it's wrong but we get kind offf I'm like yeah yeah there was a theory about there was a character called lord F who is in season 2 and three and it was that he was meant to like make fun of Penelope and laugh at her when her and call her were dancing but the the look they used in the edit sort of made it look like he was maybe checking her out so people were like he's in love with her yeah and they thought season 3 that it was going to beas yeah but no he's we can confirm it's not I think it's it's something that both our characters explore within the season of like growing up and becoming an adult and trusting I would say like trusting your instincts and being true to yourself not feeling like you need to pretend to be anything that you're not and like we've always said we've always talked about like within the story that it's so attractive to see someone just completely own who they are yeah and that doesn't have to be any type of person it can be a million different things but when someone sits in themselves it's like that's really attractive that's really cool I was thinking about this is the most random thing in the world there's a reality show called Married at First side Australia and there's a woman on it called Lucinda and she's like this real Earth Mama hippie but she is just so true to that that I'm like that's incred and she's the most magnetic Soul because she so herself random but think about that I think it's really interesting this is maybe a strange comparison I'm going to make but when I first moved to London I was very broke I moved I left drama school and I had to go and work in a retail job and I used to be on the TU and I used to get really annoyed and I was like oh London's a terrible place and it's really stressful and it's really this and it's really and then I was like hang on you're controlling your perception of this it's you're you're making yourself annoyed because of it's like confirmation bias and it's like you're telling yourself this is bad and everything's reinforcing it I'm like if you just stop that it will help things and then it wasn't easy to do but once I managed and it kind of in the same way if you were like well I'm Wallflower and I'm this and no one wants to look at me it's a self-fulfilling prophecy so I'm like if you have to stop that it's not easy at all but like that negative selft talk and negative mindset is like never going to get you anywhere good yeah I wish it was easy just to like say it and make it so yeah anyway weird comparison no what I said it's like you said f to you make it do it and it becomes part of you yeah I used to have that with with um auditions all the time where I would like you know go through a span of not getting anything and I'd go in go well I'm clearly desperate to get in they'll never want to cast me and I think that's true to a degree even like a date you don't want to go in Desperate you want to be like look at all this I've got to offer like you know yeah

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