Caso Almasri, il ministro Piantedosi risponde in Senato alle opposizioni: la diretta
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Regarding this phenomenon, I would like to state that we are absolutely convinced that there are no greater environmentalists than Italian farmers. I believe that the government must work to create conditions that allow for continued agriculture and aquaculture, while also addressing the economic conditions that are necessary to ensure everyone's right to live, including the continuation of our country's extraordinary agricultural and aquaculture traditions.
I would like to ask the Minister of the Interior, Senator Scalfarotto, to illustrate the inquiry regarding the episode of escort detachment from the security detail assigned to the President of the Council of Ministers.
There are some people who are still concerned about the security of our country. I believe that the national interest must be protected. I would like to know if the two individuals in question, who were part of the Digos, were investigated and identified, and if they were requested to produce their documents.
We now know that the security and protection of the President of the Council of Ministers are handled by the agency for internal security. If our question is related to the specific episode, I would like to know what happened on that night, as it was reported that the Digos personnel, as policemen, must have written a report and identified these two individuals, who were then requested to produce their documents. I would like to know if this report exists and what it says.
I would also like to know what the Procura di Roma has been investigating, as stated by the Undersecretary Mantovano.
The President of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni, has been shown to be a sovereign, as has been said, “Pinocchio, please return from your search for smugglers around the world, as I have seen.” I would like to know how we see the error of Pinocchio, who is so worried that we are laughed at.
Today, we are gathered here to shed light on some serious issues, such as the exploitation of prostitution on OnlyFans, a platform that has been endorsed by many newspapers and has reported on the story of many young women who have been exploited.
As we know, OnlyFans has grown exponentially since the pandemic, with over 305 million fans and 4 million creators. Its revenue is in the billions. This does not surprise us, as we know that the platform is deeply involved in promoting its content on family-friendly channels, including those of our children.
The questionnaire also concerns the recent developments in the episode of expelling Nemos Sema al-Masri, who was kept in prison for four months before being released. I would like to know what happened on that night, as per the mandate issued by the International Criminal Court on January 18. As we know, the Minister of the Interior has the power to expel individuals deemed to be a threat to national security.
I would also like to know the answer of the President of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni, not only to the International Criminal Tribunal, but also to Italy, a great country that has defended its people from mafia and terrorism, but has also been ridiculed by the media.
And finally, I would like to ask about the recent disorders and safety concerns during protests in Italy. On January 9, 10, and 11, there were violent incidents, including the use of flares, bottles, and Molotov cocktails, resulting in injuries to several police officers. We are concerned about the violence and the lack of respect for the rule of law. We believe that those responsible for these actions must be held accountable.
We will continue to follow this issue closely.”
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