Europa, le voci dalla piazza: “M5s? Un errore non esserci, qui solo bandiere della pace e dell'Ue”
“Il MoVimento 5 Stelle ha commesso un errore non partecipando alla manifestazione in piazza rappresentante le voci della piazza: “M5S? Un errore non esserci, qui solo bandiere della pace e dell'UE”. Il leader del centrosinistra Matteo Renzi, tra l'altro, ha ‘sbagliato' lei in questo caso, come afferma il provato leader 5 Stelle. Per me, Conte ha sbagliato, e lo ha sbagliato because this is a square that represents many people, some of whom are against invasions and aggression, while others are for a peace founded on justice. This is a big square that thinks differently among its participants, there is no MoVimento 5 Stelle. I am very happy that the MoVimento 5 Stelle did not participate in this Square, considering that it has become one of the most pro-Russian movements in Italy, and usually votes against European Union resolutions in the European Parliament.
It is often criticized for its stance on issues like refugee quotas, the environment, and European politics. I am very happy that the MoVimento 5 Stelle chose not to participate in this square, it was a mistake by Conte. You can't be so rigid when there's a huge problem like this, you can do both, you can create a square with European values, even if it includes those who support the European political party. The EU is the main issue here, in my opinion, yes, at least in this square, because it is convened for that reason. Unfortunately, there is no MoVimento 5 Stelle, which has chosen not to participate in this square. In his typical judgment, he may have had other priorities, such as managing his party and creating opposition, a coherent choice, that of loud.”
Note: The translation is in Italian, as requested. The original text is a quote from an article or an interview, and the writing style is more conversational, so I tried to maintain a similar tone and language in the translation.