La Russa a Pechino: “Xi Jinping tifoso del Milan? Credo che dovrà ricredersi”
Xi Jinping, the president of China, is a Milan fan? I think he should rethink it. Well, now, it's been 50 years since Sino-European relations have existed, and Italy wants to have a role in this relationship, because our commercial ties are more import-dependent, with more imports than exports. However, from a cultural perspective, the history of Italy and China, two ancient civilizations, are enough to facilitate this increasingly close relationship between the European Union and China. I invited them, and I even invited them to Milan today, as they also talked about soccer. Yesterday, no, but today the vice-president was very knowledgeable about soccer. I told him that, however, next year there's the Winter Olympics in Beijing, and next year they're in Milan, so it's a good opportunity to reciprocate the visit, and I'm expecting that.
You see, in Rome and Milan, there's a legend that President Xi is a fan of the A.C. Milan, according to some, while others claim he's a fan of Inter Milan. But if he's a fan of Milan, I think he should reconsider.