“L'IA non mi fa paura, ignoranza e intolleranza sì”: il futuro per Giovanni Azzone (Fond. Cariplo)
“From medicine to the end of work, from a school that's no longer enough to the need to rebuild social tissue: a conversation about the future with Giovanni Azzone, President of Fondazione Cariplo.
It's a paradox that we are in an era of hyper-connection, yet unable to listen. But it's not the technology that is the problem, it's how we use it. Technology can be a tool to improve the quality of life, making it more accessible and open to everyone. For example, the smartphone, which is no longer just a luxury item, but a essential tool for people from all walks of life.
But there are three monsters that prevent us from imagining a better future: ignorance, intolerance, and the inability to listen. We ignore the rules of the game, we don't understand what's happening, and we're unable to listen to others. This is why it's essential to educate, to form, and to know. We need to recognize the value of diversity and the importance of listening.
The world is changing, and it's time to rethink the way we work, live, and relate to each other. The future of work is no longer just about having a job, but about having a purpose. The concept of work is changing, and we need to redefine it. Automation and artificial intelligence will change the way we work, but this should not lead to the end of work. We need to rethink the way we value work and create new opportunities for people to contribute.
The future is also about community, about finding a sense of belonging and purpose. We need to rethink the way we live, and what we value. We need to recognize the importance of relationships, of community, of love, and of diversity. The future is not just about technology, but about how we use it to improve our lives.
In the end, the future is up to us. We need to make conscious choices, to choose to use technology for the better, to choose to value diversity and inclusivity, and to choose to work towards a better world. The future is not just a prediction, but an opportunity to create something new and better.”