Napoli, associazioni contro la violenza: “Inutile inasprire le pene”. C'è anche la Fondazione FQ
Napoli, associate against violence: “It is unnecessary to toughen penalties.” There is also the Foundation FQ, we know that the Camorra has armed these young people, and these young people, who control the distribution of arms at night, just like they control the drug trade, organized crime has killed over 600 innocent victims in this city, but in this moment, there is a violence that, despite the many warlike situations of the past few years, has not been seen before, violence that goes beyond the usual criminal activity, even spreading among young people. Guns are circulating uncontrollably, our hospitals are becoming used to treating gunshot or knife wounds, as if we were in a state of war. It would be good if the minister became aware of this reality and intervened, because up to now, nothing effective has been done. No one can be afraid of walking on the darkest streets, let alone the liveliest ones in the city, as the Camorra, organized crime and poverty continue to create a system of death.
In fact, we are all here today to make sure that our children can walk through their own city without fear, but over 180 neighborhoods and local associations have committed to taking action together and, in a cross-platform and unprecedented manner, in a united response against what is happening. Today in this square, but we know that more instances like this will follow because the clash is generational. No longer is this a question of TV soap operas or rapper propaganda with guns, but the fact is that those who have decision-making power simply cannot understand the needs of the new generations. Annoyingly, public policies have failed, providing no effective solutions, lack of services, fragmented associational life, delayed teachers' pay, and, most of all, inconsistent initiatives.
We cannot hold a person morally accountable with punishment if they have deprived their coeval of their life. The only antidote to this chaos is prevention, education and assistance. Education prevents punishment! We, as we represented by this banner, propose education and prevention. A more preventive approach will necessarily reduce the number of guilty and dead. Why aren't there more answers?!
There are many examples here. Francesco Piomatto's mother is present – her son did nothing, did not have a fight to win, and was brutally killed just because he walked 50 meters. “What has happened in Italy, what has happened with these arms, we who have given our sons” is not a cry by the bereaved but rather a plea to be respected, because it is increasingly easy to access a pistol, and it is only slightly easier to find space for socialization in cities like ours.
Therefore, we call for fundamental response from politics, investment from the health system, to have professionals, psychiatrists, psychologists, assistants with expertise. We ask also to address the fundamental failure of families, and therefore of our society. Save these boys, but saving ourselves!