Nuovo poliambulatorio al Cardarelli di Napoli, Vincenzo De Luca: “Addio lista di attesa”
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Nuovo poliambulatorio al Cardarelli di Napoli, Vincenzo De Luca: “Addio lista di attesa”

Nuovo poliambulatorio al Cardarelli di , Vincenzo De Luca: “Addio lista di attesa”

Ecco il testo riscritto in italiano, senza introduzione e senza considerare i link:

“Stiamo lavorando per comunicare entro aprile ai nostri concittadini che siamo la migliore Regione d'Italia per le liste di attesa. Il padiglione G dell'ospedale Cardarelli è stato riaperto dopo 15 anni e ospiterà il nuovo poliambulatorio, liberando lo spazio nel vecchio padiglione che sarà la sede dei dipartimenti di oncologia e onco-ematologia. De Luca: “Nonostante lavoriamo in condizioni difficili, con 15.000 medici in meno rispetto alla media nazionale e risorse in meno, siamo riusciti a realizzare un miracolo. Il padiglione G è stato ristrutturato in 340 giorni e ospiterà 35 ambulatori, due sale operatorie e i servizi. In questo modo, libereremo di fatto tutto il padiglione , destinandolo alla oncologia e all'onomatopea. We want to communicate to our citizens that we are the first region in Italy for waitlists. We are working to make it happen. It's not easy to make a comparison between a region with 15,000 fewer doctors than the national average and one with more resources. It's like comparing a Ferrari to a 500. It's true that it's difficult to make a fair comparison, but we have to work to eliminate these limitations. We will see if we can extend the time spent at work, even on weekends, to provide a quality service to our citizens and eliminate the waitlists. Our goal is to make a significant announcement in April, to communicate to our citizens that we are the first region in Italy for waitlists, despite the difficulties we face. It's a real miracles, considering that we are weeding all this out without getting the same resources as others. We are working on decongesting the Cardarelli hospital, which is the largest in the region. We are creating the conditions for better healthcare, investing in new structures, operational rooms, and technology. We are already the first region in Italy for hospital structures, with 10 new hospitals, 170 community houses and almost a doubling of other 10-15 hospitals. So, we are truly committed to an enormous effort when the lists are published, with a constant element of unfairness, as the starting conditions of the different regions are never clarified. I often quote the example of going to the track, one with a Ferrari and the other with a 500. It becomes complicated to make the race. Despite this, we are an avant-garde region, like you see here, considering that in Italy we do not work under equal arms.”

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