Parigi, ferrovia sabotata prima delle Olimpiadi: “Gli spettatori non potranno arrivare”
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Parigi, ferrovia sabotata prima delle Olimpiadi: “Gli spettatori non potranno arrivare”

Parigi, ferrovia sabotata prima delle Olimpiadi: “Gli spettatori non potranno arrivare”

YouTube video

La circolazione ferroviaria dei treni ad Alta Velocità TGV è stata interrotta in seguito a una serie di incendi e atti vandalici che hanno interessato alcuni tratti della rete ferroviaria. Evacuato per ragioni di sicurezza anche l'aeroporto di Basilea-Mulhouse. Disagio tra i passeggeri in viaggio e tra gli spettatori che non potranno giungere a Parigi per assistere alla cerimonia di apertura, dopo aver pagato biglietti fino a 1500€.
our train got canceled and so we're a bit stranded here there were several explosions now we are here in Paris and uh everything is shut down so we can't continue our journey I think it's really difficult I hope all the athletes at least are here so they can um make their Sports uh yes but I think for many of the like viewer it's a big problem because they can't arrive here I had to take the train to L but it was just cancelled and I asked if I can and take another train but there's nothing there are no trains departing now so I'm just waiting maybe it's going to go better but I don't know our train got canceled and so we are a bit stranded here and yes so our reservation was at 3:00 and now we're just waiting because we don't really know what to do did you get any information h no not at all I think it's really difficult I hope all the athletes at least are here so they can um make their Sports uh yes but I think for many any of the like viewer it's a big problem because they can't arrive here so we were here staying for vacation and now we're going um like to another destination our T to lell has been cancelled and we were alerted by the lady that runs the Airbnb so now we have to check our options and work out what we do we need to find accommodation we need to find another train we need to cancel our accommodation in larelle would you to go camping tomorrow we were on the train from sirc to Paris there were several explosions now we are here in Paris and uh everything is shut down so we can't continue our journey to the BR they said um um in the station that there were some yous at 1:00 or 2:00 in the afternoon so I had to take the train to L but it was just cancelled and I asked if I can take another train but there's nothing there are no trains departing now so I'm just waiting maybe it's going to go better but I don't know spe

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