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has made her return to the dance floor on the latest edition of “Ballando con le Stelle” (Dancing with the Stars). Despite the challenges she faced, Simona managed to break down walls and awaken parts of herself that she believed were dormant. This season of the show rightfully belongs to her, whether she wins or not. Simona's incredible dancing skills were evident from the start, but it was her personal growth and blossoming on-screen presence that truly made her shine.

In a recent episode, Simona spoke with immense tenderness about her adopted daughter, Caterina. She also experienced a heartwarming moment when her father, a military man, expressed his long-held love for her. Furthermore, Giovanni Terzi, Simona's great love, surprised her by proposing in front of her parents, bringing tears to her eyes and a standing ovation from the audience.

Congratulations on your upcoming wedding! How do you feel about it?

“The proposal was beautiful and a complete surprise. I never expected it. It was an incredible emotion. We had decided to get married some time ago, but each time we planned it, something catastrophic happened. So, we became doubtful. Then, Giovanni unexpectedly proposed for real.”

The way you look at each other and the things you say about one another, your love seems strong and rare.

“What you see is what we are because I am not Meryl Streep, and he is not Al Pacino. We have opened up naturally. He is a man who is easy to love, someone who protects you with his character and always has a solution to everything. He calms me down instead of making me anxious. I would always be filled with anxiety on my own.”

How did you two meet?

“We met at a dinner with friends. I had seen him a few times before, but nothing significant. I went to that dinner just after ending a long-term relationship, and I never expected to fall in love. During that period, I kept telling myself that I would remain alone for life. But then, he came into my life in the most unexpected way. As we were talking, I immediately felt something strange in my stomach, and I thought, ‘Am I crazy?'”

You were not crazy. Was it the same for him?

“I was the one who cast the bait. At that dinner, he gave me his book as a gift. I asked him for his number and the next day I wrote to him, ‘Giovanni, I read your book overnight, and it's very intense.' Obviously, I had never read it.”

Why was it difficult for someone like you, who was once considered the number one in television, to “get back into the game”?

“It is difficult to transform yourself. TV moves forward, and you probably lose your pace. Now, I feel like I have found that rhythm again, but I am also a different person compared to who I was. That's why when they ask me to host ‘' again, I say no, I wouldn't do it. Because I am no longer that person.”

Do you feel fulfilled now?

“It is a very fortunate moment. People stop me on the street, come out of stores when they see me, just like it used to be. I have to thank because her show has become a cult. But also, Paola Perego, who wanted me on her show, and , an incredible person. I also have to thank Rai for allowing me to continue appearing on ‘.' It was not guaranteed.”

Did you know you were such a good dancer?

“I have always had a passion for dancing. When I was a child, my mother enrolled me in every dance course possible because there wasn't much to do in Chivasso, and I was quite introverted. I hadn't danced in a long time, but now both Giovanni and I won't stop dancing. It makes me feel great, both physically and emotionally. He lost 12 kilograms.”

You mentioned that in the past, your relationships ended due to a competition arising. In what sense?

“I was working, wanting a family, happiness, a husband… If my marriage with Stefano Bettarini ended, it was partly my fault. The idea was that ‘it's us against the world,' but in the end, we couldn't navigate through everything. But I respect him, and I will always care for the father of my children. Moreover, today, he and Giovanni are friends.”

How do you envision your marriage now?

“I imagine it as a big celebration, not just for our love but for everyone who cares about us. And, of course, there will be dancing.”

(Edit of the interview by Chiara Maffioletti, Corriere della Sera)

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